The Overlooked Cause of Your Back Stiffness

One of the common reasons people walk into Next Level Wellness Center in Irvine is because their back is stiff. Sure, we get a lot of patients who are suffering from back pain exclusively, but more and more people complain of a stiff back. Suffering through this can be difficult; it can make it hard for you to complete simple tasks like getting into the car, picking up something off the floor or playing the sport you love. One of the major culprits to back stiffness that I have found is having tight hamstrings.

Don’t Forget About Your Legs

The large muscles that run through the back of your thighs are your hamstrings. No one considers their legs, much less their hamstrings when they complain of back stiffness. But it’s true – if these muscles are tight, they could be contributing to your stiff back. How does that work? Well, tight hamstrings limit the motion of your pelvis. When the range of motion of your pelvis is limited, extra stress is placed on your lower back. This extra stress causes stiffness, limiting your range of motion.

If tight hamstrings are the major factor contributing to a patient’s stiff back, there are easy stretches they can do. Stretching can eventually lengthen the patient’s hamstrings, which relieves their lower back stiffness.

Perform a Standing Hamstring Stretch

Take a minute or two throughout your day to stand up and perform the most common hamstring stretch; the standing hamstring stretch. While standing with your feet a few inches apart, bend forward with your arms reaching downward. Try to keep your legs straight, only keeping a minimal bend at the knees. Over time, see how far down you can reach. The ultimate goal is to be able to touch your toes but don’t do it if it causes your body strain.

It is important to get on a wellness and prevention program once your lower back stiffness is no longer a bother to your every day life. As a patient at Next Level Wellness Center, we will personally tailor a wellness program that specifically targets your needs using the least invasive yet highly-effective techniques and services.

Please take the time to Irvine chiropractic team of doctors: Vasili Gatsinaris, James Kim, Adam Abulghualya, and our network of chiropractic and wellness care professionals dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives.

To learn more about our variety of services or to schedule an appointment, contact us or call

949-263-9003 today.


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