3 Ways To Keep Your Spine Happy and Pain-Free

Everybody wants a healthy spine. Here at Next Level Wellness Center in Irvine, we don’t just treat pain, but we do our best to share preventative steps you can take to prevent pain. From proper sleeping positions to the importance of core strength, to the benefits of massage therapy, education is a big part in the role we play as doctors in the field of chiropractics. Here are some simple ways to help stay injury-free and keep your spine relaxed and healthy.

Sleep Properly

I often get asked what the best sleeping position is and my answer always the one that keeps the spine as close to natural alignment as possible. Sleeping on your back is beneficial as it keeps your hips evenly aligned. To relieve lower back pressure, you may want to put a pillow under your knees. If you can’t help but sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees. This will straighten your spine and alleviate pressure on your hips. The least ideal sleeping position is on your stomach because your head ultimately rotates to one side. This can cause neck pain because it keeps your neck rotated one way for long periods of time.

Strengthen Your Core

One thing I tell the majority of my patients that suffer from back pain is to strengthen their core. Your core muscles are key for a healthy spine. They support the spine and play a huge role in taking pressure off of your lower back. If your fitness routine doesn’t have core-strengthening exercises in it, now is the time to implement them. You’d be surprised what a strong core can do for your spine’s health.

Consider Massage Therapy

The best thing about massage therapy is that it is non-invasive and has minimal to no side effects. It is one way to significantly improve your health in ways even beyond easing pain or improving range of motion. Massage therapy is shown to decrease depression and anxiety as it lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol increases blood pressure and suppresses the immune system. With massage therapy, neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, are released that are known to reduce depression.

Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, Next Level Wellness Center emphasizes improving your health to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place.

We invited you to meet our Irvine chiropractic team of doctors: Vasili Gatsinaris, James Kim, Adam Abulghualya, and our network of chiropractic and wellness care professionals dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives.

To learn more about our variety of services or to schedule an appointment, contact us or call

949-263-9003 today.


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