How What You Eat Affects Body Pain


Chronic pain in your body may be caused or contributed to by something you often overlook: your diet. It is crucial for good spinal health to maintain a healthy weight. A diet that contains too many calories can lead to weight gain, which can ultimately cause back pain and put pressure on your joints.

Aside from being overweight, inflammation is a common cause of pain. Your diet affects the inflammation in your body, and it’s important to understand which foods reduce inflammation and which foods increase it. But avoiding inflammatory foods, you can alleviate pain without medication.

To stick to an anti-inflammatory diet, you will want to avoid fast food, saturated fats,
and processed foods. All of these are major contributors to inflammation. Other
common foods that cause inflammation are white bread, sugary drinks, fried food,
and pasta. Products crammed with preservatives such as chips and pastries will also
increase inflammation, so steer clear.

One thing many of these foods have in common is hydrogenated oils, which can be
found on the ingredients list. These oils include sesame, soybean, safflower, peanut,
corn, cottonseed, grape seed and sunflower oils. Avoid foods that contain
hydrogenated oils, and use canola oil or olive oil as a replacement when cooking.

Another important dietary consideration when fighting chronic pain is making sure
you get the right nutrients. Calcium is very important for keeping your body pain-
free. Your bones store calcium, which helps to keep your bone mass solid and
strong. Getting enough calcium can help you avoid conditions like osteoporosis,
which usually occurs as you age and it becomes harder to maintain bone mass.

To learn more about our variety of services or to schedule an appointment, contact us

or call 949-263-9003 today.


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