Step It Up: How To Get Your Daily Steps In To Prevent Leg Injuries

Man Walking

While most jobs require us to sit at a desk, our bodies were made for so much more. We’re built to move, run, walk, and jump. By staying still for long periods of time, we’re unknowingly hurting our body and actually aiding in injuries we get down the road from being sedentary. However, our Next Level Wellness team wants you to know that it’s never too late to help your body feel better than ever. Here are a few simple ways to step up your walking game even if you’re at work.

Walking To The Restroom

Do you ever find yourself not drinking nearly as much water as you should so that you don’t have to go to the restroom frequently? We know the feeling, but we also want you to know that it’s never too late to change your habits. Taking multiple trips to the restroom is the perfect excuse to get up and stretch your legs. It creates natural breaks in your otherwise stationary work routine. If you’re in a building that has multiple bathrooms in different locations, we recommend using the one that’s a little bit further than right down the hall from you. This allows you to get plenty of steps in and gives your whole body a few minutes to relax.

Getting Lunch

When it’s time to grab some food, try venturing outside and walk around before, during, or after you eat. Whether it’s at a park down the street or on the sidewalk in front of your building, a lunchtime walk is the perfect opportunity to let your legs roam free. If you usually bring your lunch, pick a few days a week to leave your food at home and buy lunch at a nearby restaurant or grocery store. This will automatically force you to go outside, walk around, and be in a new environment. You’ll return to work feeling much more refreshed and energized.

15-Minute Breaks

Sometimes there’s no other excuse besides needing to simply stretch your legs. You may not always have a lot of free time at work, but taking even 5-15 minutes to walk around can make a huge difference. Every time you walk, you work your quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower legs, and upper body. All of these muscles work together to support your back and neck; both of which are very susceptible to injuries in the workplace.

Our chiropractic team of wellness doctors, Vasili Gatsinaris, DC, QME, James Kim, DC, Adam Abulghualya, DC, BS, ART and Caprice Leonard, MA, ATC specialize in chiropractic and wellness care, especially for workplace injuries. Our Irvine chiropractic office is located near John Wayne Airport, convenient for people living in Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Tustin, Santa Ana and other surrounding Orange County communities.

Let our Orange County chiropractic team make a plan and treat your injury so that you are not restricted from your active lifestyle. To learn more about our variety of services or to schedule an appointment, take advantage of our Facebook new patient special and contact us or call 949-263-9003 today.


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