4 Ways To Stay Fit On Your Summer Vacation

The heat is on as we move into summer! If you don’t already have your vacation mapped out, it’s time to start planning. No matter where you are headed, it is possible to have fun while keeping your fitness goals intact. Here are a few ways to stay in shape while on vacation.

Kids on Bikes

Pack Your Snacks

One of the easiest ways to keep from splurging when you’re away from home is to pack your own food. If you plan to travel by boat or by plane, think about what you can take with you ahead of time. Items like protein bars, nuts, and dried fruit are easy to take on the go.

If you’re on a road trip, dust off your portable cooler and stock it with fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy sandwiches. By choosing to bring your own food, you will be less likely to binge on unhealthy fast food when you get hungry.

Fit in a Morning Workout

Are you planning to stay at a hotel? Good news! Most of them have in-house gyms available to guests. Make time in the morning to jump on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes. By working out early, you will be less likely to skip it, in favor of other activities. Staying active while on vacation will also mean you won’t have to completely start over at the gym when you get back home.

If your hotel does not have a gym available, encourage your family to participate in an outdoor activity. Plan a hike, take a walking tour, or go on a light jog. Make sure you get your heart rate up and move those muscles!

Find Balance

We all know that vacations are a time to unwind with a cocktail or indulge in a special dessert. But finding the right balance could mean a difference of a few pounds on the scale when you return from vacation. If you have a special night out planned, make sure to eat as healthy as possible during the day. That way, you can still enjoy, but you won’t regret your decisions later on.

Drink (Water) Like a Fish

One of the biggest problems that we see in athletes coming back from vacation is dehydration. With increased alcohol consumption, and more time outside, it’s hard to stay hydrated like you would at home. But paying attention to your water intake is even more important when you’re spending days in the sun and nights out on the town. Be diligent about drinking 8 glasses of water a day, so you feel refreshed when you get home. 

To learn more about keeping yourself healthy – at home and on vacation – learn more about the variety of services available at Next Level Wellness. To schedule a free consultation, please contact us or call 949-263-9003 today.


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