Improving Posture and Body Alignment Using Yoga

Posture Yoga

Yoga poses help train the body to be healthy and flexible. Being consistent with your practice will improve your posture. You will also gain an increase in balance, with your pelvis, head and shoulders being better aligned. What separates yoga from other exercises is that it will equally stretch and strengthen both sides of your body.

Yoga is an important element for reducing lower back pain. Proper body alignment creates good posture, which will help with maintaining a natural curvature in your spine. The biggest selling point for yoga is that it brings awareness of the body. It’s important while practicing various posses that you listen to your body. If there is any pain or discomfort that accompanies a certain pose, you will want to stop and make sure you are doing the pose in a way that seems natural and not strenuous. Knowing how to properly listen to your body will increase with time and consistent practice. Specific positioning and repositioning trains people to understand the limitations of their body as well as help keeping the body limber.

Most of us can relate to having a desk job and the stiffness that all day inactivity while working can create. One of the main culprits for lower back pain is typically related to sitting for long periods of time. Especially, for those that sit at a desk all day, five days a week. Sitting all day causes you to have a weak core and poor posture. This will most likely result in the shortening of the hip muscles, which will then pull on the lower back. It’s always important to figure out what’s causing pain so you can address it and prevent it from happening again. But in most situations, doing some gentle yoga can help relieve tightness and give your lower back some relief.

Of course, if you have suffered from any type of back injury, it’s always best to see a physician. However, If your lower back pain is more on the side of a minor achiness or discomfort, yoga can help address any tightness and alignment issues you may be experiencing.

Our chiropractic team of wellness doctors, Vasili Gatsinaris, DC, QME, James Kim, DC, Adam Abulghualya, DC, BS, ART and Caprice Leonard, MA, ATC specialize in chiropractic and health and wellness care. Our Irvine chiropractic office is located near John Wayne Airport, convenient for people living in Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Tustin, Santa Ana and other surrounding Orange County communities.

To learn more about our variety of services or to schedule an appointment, take advantage of our Facebook new patient special and contact us or call 949-263-9003 today.



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