Quick Steps To Stay Out Of The Dugout and Avoid Injury in Baseball


Batter up! How often do you feel nagging pains from America’s pastime? Whether it’s a back sprain or a pulled tendon, injuries are extremely common in baseball because of the constant movement and the extreme motions involved in pitching and swinging. Here are quick and easy steps to keep you on the diamond.

Warm Up

This seems like a no-brainer, but many players take the field after an insufficient warm up. Whether it’s some simple stretches or a jog around the field, get your muscles moving and active to avoid any strains. I see time and time again; patients come in with nagging pain because they simply want to save time by skipping the warm up. This will lead to injuries!

Run Correctly

When was the last time a running coach analyzed your form? With all of the sprints from base to base, it’s important a baseball player is running with proper form. Players usually overlook this because it’s easy to assume you’re running is normal. Improper form in your running and sprints can throw off the alignment of your back, knees, and multiple areas in your body. With my patients, even the smallest adjustments in their form can change the way their body feels in the game.

Address Repetitive Motions

In baseball, the repetitive movement of pitching and swinging can lead to serious injuries. Muscle sprains and injuries can form over time by an athlete constantly putting force on the area in the body. Baseball involves repetitive, powerful, and precise movements, replicated many times throughout the season. As a player, always look out for the signs of injury. Our goal is to catch it before it puts you in the dugout for the season!

Monitor Your Time On The Field

Your love for the game may outweigh the pains you feel in your body, but you can treat the pain and still stay on the field. Monitor how much time you’re spending at practices and make sure you don’t overexert yourself! Give your body resting time to ensure healthy muscles and tendons for your game. By doing this, your body will be strong and ready to go all nine innings!

If you want to learn more about different mobility stretches and techniques to avoid injury, see our chiropractic team of doctors, Vasili Gatsinaris, James Kim, and Adam Abulghualya who specialize in chiropractic and wellness care and are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives.

To learn more about our variety of services or to schedule an appointment, please contact us or call

949-263-9003 today.


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